HTML Editor

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So you already know all about designing great email templates using your own software? Or you've obtained an HTML template that you would like to pop into the system?

No problem! You can the use the "From Code" option to add your template to the system.

You can even make changes to the code "in-line" and see the finished article update in real time.

Lets get started...

Step 1:

Before you begin, you must make sure you are logged in to the SEMSblast control panel. If you don't already have an account you can create a free account.

Step 2:

Once logged in to the SEMSblast control panel, click the "TEMPLATES" tab at the top of the screen.

obtained an HTML template

Step 3:

On this page you can see and manage any templates you have previously created. For now click the "Add Template" button towards the top right of the screen.

designing great email templates using your own software

Step 4:

Click the "Start COding" button on the "From Code" block.

see and manage any templates you have previously created

Step 5:

After a few seconds the Code Editor  will load. The page is split into two sections. The large area on the left shows the final result of your HTML, the right hand side enables you to paste your HTML, make changes etc.

page is split into two sections

When you have finished editing your template, you can click the SAVE button located towards the top of the page, or the preview button to see what your template looks like in a browser or on a mobile.

You did it!

You successfully added your first email template from HTML code.

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