Super Simple Inbox Testing

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26Mar, 2016
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Ever wondered why your emails aren't being delivered to your subscribers Inbox?

There are so many variables to take into consideration which can affect wether your email gets to the inbox, the dreaded junk folder, or doesn't even get delivered at all, and figuring out what those issues are and how you can fix them can be a complete headache.

That is, until now!

We've added a mega in-depth testing facility to SEMSblast, which will automatically test every aspect of your campaign before it is sent, and will tell you EXACTLY what the issues are, in simple terms.

Getting started testing your mails is super easy... Try this...

  1. Login to SEMSblast
  2. Add a new campaign
  3. Pop all your details in (Subject, Sender Name, Email address, the usual stuff)
  4. Select the template to send.
  5. Your campaign will be tested, and any issues will be listed, along with hints and tips as to how to fix them

This is a new feature, and as such it may still need some fine tuning. If you have any problems, or think we could improve, please let us know!

Until next time, here's to your new, improved inbox success :)

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