List Unsubscribers

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Use the API to retreive unsubscribers for a whole account or a group.


Submit an XML Request with the following details:

Post URL:


Fields to Post
apiKey String REQUIRED The APIKey of the requesting user.
groupID Int Optional The ID of the group you would like to request subscribers from.
startDate DateTime Optional yyyy-mm-dd - The date you would like to start searching from
endDate DateTime Optional yyyy-mm-dd - The date you would to to stop searching from.



Data Sent Back
error Int Indicates wether an error has occured. 0 for no error. 1 for error.
status String If there's been an error, a text description of the error that occured will be here.
unsubscriberCnt Int The number of un subscribers returned.
---> unsubscriber    
--------> subscriberID Int The ID of the subscriber.
--------> campaignID Int The ID of the campaign that the user unsubscribed from.
--------> firstName String The first name of the subscriber.
--------> lastName String The last name of the subscriber.
--------> companyName String The company name of the subscriber.
--------> email String The email address of the subscriber.
--------> dateUnsubscribed Date Time The date the subscriber unsubscribed


Sample request XML



Sample response XML

               <companyName>Test Co</companyName>
               <dateUnsubscribed>2014-01-01 11:37</dateUnsubscribed>

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